Solomon Radasky

May 17, 1910

​January 2, 1941

January 25, 1941

April 1, 1942

July 21, 1942

April 19, 1943

April 30, 1943

July 2, 1943

May 1, 1944

January 17, 1945

April 30, 1945

August 1, 1945

November 10, 1946

May 12, 1948

September 1, 1949

September 1, 1978

August 4, 2002

Born and raised in Warsaw, Poland to Jacob and Toby Radasky.  Worked as a professional furrier.

Captured by S.S. Men and forced to clean snow off of railroads.

​Mother and oldest sister killed.  Solomon found both of them shot, because his mother didn't have jewelry.

Father killed while trying to buy bread from children

Deportations begin - All of Solomon's siblings are sent to Treblinka.  It was the last time he saw any of his family.

​Warsaw Ghetto uprising.  Solomon continued to work in the coat shop until the uprising.

Shot in the right ankle and marched to the Majclanek death camp.

Sent to Auschwitz and survived the execution selections.

Was able to avoid the Coal Mines by shoveling sand over the ashes from the crematoria.

​Germany liquidation of Auschwitz.  Solomon moved to Dachau Concentration Camp.

American forces liberated Dachau.

Reconnected with a childhood friend, Frieda.

Married Frieda, his second wife.

Son was born.

Moved to New Orleans and worked as a furrier

First vacation to Israel.

Died at his home in Oakland Park, Kansas at the age of 92.